Saturday, October 12, 2013

The beginning....

I've thought about creating a blog for some time now but always figured I didn't have enough to say or that no one would read it. So now, even of both if those things are true I'm doing one anyways.

I am currently a stay at home mom after being laid off a year ago from the cosmetics industry. I have three kids. Collin 4 (for two more weeks); Cayley 3; and AJ 22 months! Needless to say my house is a mess and I'm tired.

My husband always tells me I don't have a job so I should be able to do xyz; basically whatever it is he wants at the time. Well, after being sick for one day and laid up in bed that whole day the house is an absolute disaster! Looks like a tornado hit this place. If that doesn't show that not only do I have a job but one he's not capable of doing. Within 10 minutes I had the place picked up and ground up cheez it's vacuumed off the floor. Granted the house isn't clean yet but come on how hard is it to pick up a little for your sick wife.

Of course my mom would tell you she never got sick and her house was always clean. I guess she doesn't remember I was there and saw everything. I caught her off guard once stopping at her house unexpectedly. Her kitchen was a mess! And she lives alone I have a family of five to clean up after. It was great to catch her since she's constantly complaining about my kitchen and telling me how I can keep it clean. I love helpers!

People love to "help" me. What they usually end up doing is moving something I need or throwing away something I wanted to keep. More about "helpers"another time. I have to go clean the kitchen that looks like it was ransacked while I was ill.